‘Boh!’ is a useful word.
First of all the pronunciation: ‘boh’ rhymes with ‘so’ or ‘go’, but maybe with less of that English sounding ‘oh’ sound, a mono vowel rather than a dipthong.
Use the word when you have no idea, no clue, no proposal regarding what action to take.
When you admit you are at a loss.
To pass on your turn, give someone else a go.
“Where can I get a proper pint of beer in Italy?”
“What are the rules for the ‘periodo ipotetico’?”
Don’t ask me, amico. Not got a clue. Totally blank.
In just three letters (two phonemes – remember to cut short the vowel!)
Anyway, today’s new exercise is on ‘periodo ipotetico‘. The level is B1, apparently.
Naturally, I tried it out for you, but…
Italian grammar is not really my strong point, I admit.
But perhaps you’d have better luck?
Or search all our Italian grammar exercises for this or other topics.
Buon fine settimana!
New easy Italian reader alert!
Either on Monday, or the week after, depending on whether we manage to fix a formatting problem this morning, we have the launch of yet another new e-book.
It’s by the same authors as ‘L’amore ai tempi del supermercato‘, Michela and Emanuele. The title of the new reader is ‘Cena col delitto‘: look out for it on Monday, or as soon as possible thereafter.
In the meantime, if you’re short on inspiration, browse our shop, where you’ll find loads of original and stimulating materials for learning Italian!