Buondi. Chapter 1 of our ‘riassunto’ of Umberto Eco’s ‘Il nome della rosa’ is ready. Find it here, along with page references to the real book, for those of you who have bought it and are reading it. It covers the ‘Primo giorno – PRIMA’ and ‘Primo giorno – TERZA’ sections of the book. If […]
Archives for April 2020
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!
Buondì. And we’re off! It’s the beginning of the long-awaited Book Club – we’re reading Umberto Eco’s bestseller, ‘Il nome della rosa’ together! Perhaps this is the first time you’ve read a ‘real’ book in Italian, or maybe you’re an old hand like me. Either way, it’ll be a challenge – it’s a long book, […]
“I would appreciate your advice”
Buondì. This yesterday, via email, from Angela, which I thought might be of general interest: Please can you advise me re learning Italian. Like most of the world I am at home for a long indefinite period and want to move on from domestic organising which dominated the first week and challenge myself to something […]