Buondì. As mentioned on Friday, today we have the publication of our newest Italian ‘easy reader’, one from our ‘Book of the film‘ series of simplified texts based on classic Italian movies. So without further ado, a round of applause please, ladies and gentlemen, for… Fantozzi! Ragionier Fantozzi, Ugo is an Italian everyman, though not […]
Archives for May 2018
Hate your job at a big company? Then you’ll love this!
OK, so I was wrong. After living in Italy for twenty years, I was convinced Italians had no sense of humour. But reading/listening to our newest Italian ‘Book of the Movie’ easy reader had me laughing out loud! The 1975 film, Fantozzi, features Ugo Fantozzi, a down-on-his-luck employee of a souless ‘mega-company’. A combination of […]
Hai dormito bene stanotte? (Another free Italian lesson…)
Buondì. I have another in our series of free Italian lessons based on common verbs. In each ‘lesson’ you get the basic conjugation, some examples of use, and a few, more idiomatic, expressions. Today’s common verb is dormire (to sleep). And sleeping, I can declare with all modesty, is one of my superpowers, as I’m […]