In a bit of a rush today, so: click here to do today’s ‘grammar listening’, which deals with the use of ‘che’ and ‘cui’ see all the texts in the current series on our elementary Italian exercises page There’ll be another in the ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ series on Monday. P.S. 64 of you have listened […]
Archives for November 2014
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 10/14 – Comparativi e superlativi irregolari
Check out today’s ‘Italian grammar listening’, which takes a closer look at irregular comparative and superlative forms, here. Read/listen as many times as you wish, completely free of charge. See all the texts in this series, and find out what’s coming next, on our A1 (elementary) Italian Exercises page. P.S. It’s here! Finally. The first […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 9/14 – Superlativi (relativo e assoluto)
Buongiorno a tutti, Today’s ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ article covers ‘superlative adjectives’, so following on nicely from Friday’s comparative forms. But no banal highest moutains or longest rivers here at Oh no. Instead we have for you a fascinating-issimo text about that most famous of Italian fauna: elephants. Don’t know where Martina got that idea. […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 8/14 – Comparativi
Buon giorno a tutti. Here’s today’s grammar listening on comparative forms in Italian. Note that the irregular comparative forms have their own separate listening, which will be published next week. Check out previous listenings from the ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ series: A1 A2 B1 P.S. ‘Customer service’ can be a bit of a misnomer, right? Impossible […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 7/14 – Avverbi generici
Following on from Monday’s text on adverbs with ‘-mente’, here’s a follow up dealling with a more general group of adverbs. They’re not so regular in their form, but together make up a massively useful set of vocabulary! Go here to read and listen to ‘avverbi generici‘. We’re now at the half-way point in our […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 6/14 – Avverbi derivati da aggettivi (avverbi in ‘mente’)
Here’s the sixth in our ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ series of Italian grammar listenings. See recent topics, and what’s coming on our A1 Italian Exercises page. Or go directly (that’s the sort of adverb we’re covering today) to today’s text on avverbi in ‘mente’. Buono studio, e buona settimana! P.S. Ever wished you could write better […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 5/14 – articoli indeterminativi
Buondì, here’s Friday’s ‘improve your Italian for free’ e-mail, and today our ‘grammar listening’ features ‘articoli indeterminativi’, or indefinite articles to you and me. Find a minute or two some time today to click the link and listen/read examples of: articoli indeterminativi Then, fired up with enthusiasm, go here to browse the: free Italian exercises […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 4/14 – articoli determinativi
Benvenuti, new members (and ‘Ciao’ to all our old friends.) It’s good to see so many people interested in learning Italian, and from countries all around the world, too. The cockles of my heart are warmed each time my smart phone pings to let me know someone new has joined our club! So welcome, or […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 3/14 – Aggettivi dimostrativi
Today’s Italian grammar listening focuses on ‘aggettivi dimostrativi’, which, despite the intimidating grammatical name, are really easy! Go get today’s dose here. See all in the current series here. Or find material that’s right for your level here. P.S. A lot of members keep coming back to our site because of the mass of free […]
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ 2/14 – Aggettivi qualificativi
Here’s today’s ‘Italian grammar listening’. Our topic is ‘aggettivi qualificativi‘, or just ‘adjectives’ if you’d rather keep it simple… The girl is ‘bella’, the girls are ‘belle’, and so on. It’s the second in the ‘Other Grammar Areas‘ section of our ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ series, which should take us more or less up to Christmas. […]