andare (to go)
(io) vado (I go)
(tu) vai (you go)
(lui/lei) va (he/she goes)
(noi) andiamo (we go)
(voi) andate (you go)
(loro) vanno (they go)
Examples of Use
Vado a casa.
(I go home.)
Andate in Italia?
(Are you going to Italy?)
Andiamo a Firenze, in Toscana.
( We are going to Florence, in Tuscany.)
Le ragazze vanno a ballare.
(The girls are going dancing.)
Ogni domenica andiamo al ristorante.
(Every Sunday we go to a/the restaurant.)
Maria va in vacanza a luglio.
(Maria is going/goes on holiday in July.)
Mio marito va in palestra ogni martedì sera.
(My husband goes to the gym every Tuesday evening.)
Idiomatic Expressions
andare pazzo per qualcosa o qualcuno
(to be crazy about something or someone, to be fond of)
Giuseppe va pazzo per il tennis.
(Giuseppe is crazy about tennis.)
Vado pazza per quel ristorante.
(I’m crazy about that restaurant.)
Vanno pazzi per le auto da corsa.
(They are mad about racing cars.)
andare male
(to go badly)
I miei figli vanno male a scuola.
(My kids are not doing well at school.)
Le cose vanno male tra loro.
(Things are not great between them.)
Gli affari vanno male.
(Business is not going well.)
andare a gonfie vele
(to go really well, with ‘swollen sails’)
Il loro matrimonio va a gonfie vele.
(Their marriage is going really well.)
La mia carriera va a gonfie vele.
(My career is going well)
Il loro progetto va a gonfie vele.
(Their project is going really well.)
Now Listen!
First, just listen.
The second time, use the ‘pause’ button so you can repeat what you hear and work on your pronunciation!
N.b. The first time you press ‘pause’ the screen tends to grey out with an advert for Soundcloud, where the audio is hosted. Click the X in the corner of the audio play box to return to the audio…
Finally, listen again and translate what you hear into English.