Today, two more ‘old’ listenings to which we’ve added ‘new’ tasks.
And the launch of our new Italian easy reader, which is about Christopher Columbus.
First the free listenings.
They have a grammar focus, adverbs.
The first text was written to highlight adverbs with the regular suffix ‘-mente’ (I always find those easy!)
And the second shows the use of ‘generic’ adverbs, such as ‘always’, ‘straight away’ and ‘early’.
If you listen to the text and then check your understanding with the transcript, you’ll see what I mean.
For each of the two texts, I’d suggest this approach:
- Read the task carefully
- Listen, without looking at the transcript
- Complete the task (if you can…)
- If not, listen again
- Listen again anyway, just to squeeze as much out of this free material as possible!
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you’ll find the solutions
- Read the transcript. Check unknown words in a dictionary
- Listen and read one final time
Sounds complicated?
It isn’t really. You’ll soon get the hang of it.
Here are the links so you can give it a try!
And now, news of our newest Italian easy reader ebook,
September 1492, Atlantic Ocean: Christopher Columbus is wrestling with his fear of failure and ruin. After months at sea, there’s still no sign of land. Captains and crew are growing desperate!
Colombo e il mare Oceano is level B1/2, according to the cover.
Which makes it one of our more challenging stories.
The text itself is not so hard.
But the chapters are longer than for the easier ebooks, and the audio is much faster!
Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) to get an idea.
The audio for the whole story is available absolutely free online.
Just click the link at the top of Chapter 1 of the sample chapter (.pdf) to start listening – the whole story lasts 23 minutes.
Then, if you want the rest of the text, get it from our new online shop.
At just £5.99 this week (£7.99 from next week on), Colombo e il mare Oceano offers plenty of bangs for your buck.
But wait. What if that one was way too hard?
No problem.
Visit the ‘Learn Italian‘ section of easyreaders.org for a choice of material at different levels, from beginner to advanced!
Scroll through the pages to see our ebooks organised by level, from the easiest to the hardest.
All of the texts have free sample chapters, so you can check them out before you decide.
Click on the cover image to find out more about each title, and to find the free sample chapter link.
The red and green covers (like ‘Colombo’ above) are the ‘easy readers’ (simplified stories with audio.)
The blue ones are parallel texts – the same stories, but packaged differently, with an English translation instead of the audio.
So you can choose the study approach that suits you best!!
Other titles in our ‘Day in the life of’ series include.
Why not read and listen to them all??