The clubhouse move was completed smoothly.
If any club members run websites and want the name of our (expensive but usually efficient) hosting company, drop me a line and I’ll be happy to pass on their details.
Also in miscellaneous this morning, thanks to Steve who pointed out a mistake in the ‘Alex’s Day’ Gapfill exercise from Wednesday.
As always, it’s the feedback from users that makes this site possible (and free!)
OK, today I have two grammar exercises and one odd one on vocabulary.
Sure, I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel, here.
But when you make a cake, you have to wash the dishes afterwards, right?
And licking out the cake-mix bowl before it goes into the hot soapy water is so nice!
Which Pronoun? – Gapfill
Passives – Sentence Matching Exercise
What’s The Right Word? – Dropdown Menu Exercise
You may have noticed that’s it’s been a couple of weeks since I last tried to sell you something.
Don’t panic.
We have some terriffic stuff lined up for 2017, including a new ‘Day in the life of’ easy reader on Christopher Columbus.
But for now… Well, I confess, I’ve been busy with other things.
Namely, preparing for our Italian school‘s annual marketing bonanza, which starts on Monday.
Over there, I’ll be rolling out the ‘best discount of the year’ on 2017 Italian courses in Bologna.
That means a SIGNIFICANT reduction in the price of improving your Italian.
While, at the same time, having a great time in one of Italy’s most historic cities, home to the world’s oldest university and many of Italy’s most well-known dishes!
But better still, there’s no need to even decide now when, or for how long, you want to study.
You just need to decide that you DO want to study Italian in Italy at some point next year.
That would surely make a fantastic New Year’s resolution!
And by taking a few minutes next week to pay a small deposit, you’ll ‘lock in’ a big saving to use at any time in 2017!
Sounds good, huh?
Now all I have to do is write a whole bunch of emails so people will know about it…
Full details will be available on Monday 19th.
I’ll mention it again here in the club email.
But to really make sure you’re in the loop, join the SCHOOL’S mailing list by filling in the form on the homepage, here.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi, as Italians say.
A lunedì!