It’s really, really hot in Italy right now.
I’ve stopped with the afternoon walks, I’m leaving the shutters closed at home, and drinking more water and tea than usual (and sadly, less beer and wine) – all emergency, heat-combatting measures!
The ‘easy Swedish news’ site I listen to each day is closing down for the summer. They’re taking seven (seven!) weeks off.
I remarked to my half Swedish/half Italian wife that we moved to the wrong country…
Insomma, for a lot of people it’s too hot to study in July and August.
That said, our own EasyItalianNews.com will NOT be closing for the summer.
This is for two reasons:
- A lot of our readers/listeners are in the southern hemisphere, where it’s presumably no longer too hot to study. Lucky them!
- And Stefi, Tom and Sofia – the core members of the EIN team – have grown dependent on the earnings they get from each edition…
OnlineItalianClub.com will also continue to publish three articles a week.
While I don’t get paid, having written each Monday, Wednesday and Friday – holiday or otherwise – for years now, I’d miss it.
That said, if you’re too hot to read emails, or are no longer interested in learning Italian, why not UNSUBSCRIBE?
That is to say, invest a few seconds to take your email off our mailing list, and so no longer hear from me?
I extend this invitation (not that it’s necessary – there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each and every emailed article) four or more times each year, usually before the start of a promotion.
And indeed, next week there’s the Summer Sale at our online shop, EasyReaders.org, which means 20% off everything – ebooks, online Italian lessons, and so on!
I’ll be emailing daily to remind regular students to stock up on lesson credits.
And to persuade people who aren’t yet studying with us to give it a go, while it’s cheaper!
Don’t want to buy ebooks and/or online Italian lessons?
Not interested in my ramblings?
Then do yourself a favor and scroll down. In the footer of the email, you’ll see this:
The Gounce
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Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options
Click on the Unsubscribe option (not the one above, the one at the bottom of this email…) and you’ll get a page that looks like this:
Change the ‘radio button’ from ‘Subscribed’ to ‘Unsubscribed’, by clicking on it, then scroll down. Look to the right and you’ll see a large, blue button, which looks like this:
Press that one and you. will. receive. no. more. emails. from. the. club.
Though you may be on other lists which are managed separately, in which case follow the same proceedure for other unwanted emails you receive.
No more emailed articles!
No being bugged about the Summer Sale promotion!
Every couple of weeks I go into the mailing list system and permanently delete the data for people who have unsubscribed.
At which point, it will be as if you had never existed.
For us, not for you. Obviously…
And that’s that for this hot Friday – we’re off to the beach!
From where the next edition of EasyItalianNews.com will be published (Saturday’s), and preparations for the EasyReaders.org Summer Sale will continue.
From under a shady umbrella, assisted by a glass of something cooling…
A lunedì, allora!
Or not, as the case may be.