Next week we have two separate promotions planned.
Why two?
Because we recently separated our business activities into three new entities – EasyItalianNews.com, EasyReaders.org (ebooks), and NativeSpeakerTeachers.com (1-1 lessons) – and they’ll increasingly be doing their own thing, so allowing me to take life a little easier, as everyone is always telling me I should!
The two promotions?
For newbies, there’s the usual February ‘Free Trial Lesson Offer’, their chance to get a FREE one-to-one online lesson with a teacher from NativeSpeakerTeachers.com, normal price £20 for 30 minutes of conversation, grammar, or whatever they choose to focus on.
This will be a chance to see if that way of learning (live, with a teacher) will help you progress, which it probably will, but which a lot of people are naturally quite nervous about.
The next FTLO won’t be until November, so if you haven’t already had a free trial, don’t miss it!
We’re also offering free trials in Spanish, French and German, by the way.
More details on Monday.
Also next week, will be the publication of the second in our ‘Italian Diaspora’ series of ‘easy reader’ ebooks – this one on Italians in Spain, of all places.
Why Spain? Well because that’s where our prolific ebook/history series writer, Francesca, lives. And in the ebook, she recounts her expat experiences, and those of the other compatriots she has met there.
Details on Monday, too.
So anyway, typically before a big promotion I clean our mailing list(s) of the data of people who have unsubscribed, which keeps the costs down, if done regularly.
But also, I take a look at the stats for how many club members open the articles I write, like this one.
Currently there are nearly sixteen thousand club members, which isn’t bad. You’re spread out all over the world, from Alaska to Adelaide!
But, as with any big group of people, a lot of you will have drifted away, be inactive for perfectly valid reasons of your own, or just not be interested in receiving my missives, let alone details of the promotions that pay our writers and teachers.
Currently between twenty-nine and forty-two percent of you guys open each email, which is quite respectable.
But that still leaves a big chunk of people who might prefer not to be bothered, and who cost me money each month. Our mailing list costs total around five hundred US dollars, monthly! Shocking, isn’t it?
So, if you followed the instruction in the subject line of this emailed article, perhaps out of curiosity, (If you still want emails, open this one!), but DO NOT actually wish to receive emails from the club any longer, please do us both a favor, scroll right down to the end of this text, and click on the unsubscribe link!
For those who might never have been so impolite as to unsubscribe from a mailing list before, it looks like this:
That’s a picture, so clicking on ‘Unsubscribe’ there above will achieve absolutely nothing, but don’t be discouraged. SCROLL RIGHT DOWN TO THE END and look for the very last line. There, you’ll find a link that will work, and will prevent you from receiving any more unwanted articles.
What about the uninterested, demotivated, annoyed or dead who choose NOT to open this emailed article when it arrives in their email inbox, or can’t because they’re no longer with us?
Good question!
Saturday, I’ve scheduled a list-cleaning session, which means logging into our list management software and adding a couple of ‘filters’ to the sixteen thousand or so club members displayed there: 1.) email addresses that have been on the list for at least six months, and 2.) email addresses that have never been recorded as having actually opened anything we’ve sent in those six months.
That should chuck up a couple of thousand results, at which point I will manually, a hundred emails at a time, unsubscribe them. It should take half an hour or so, but the result will be fewer people bothered with articles and promotions that don’t interest them.
The list software not being perfect (for instance, Apple products might block it from knowing whether an emailed article was opened or not), there’s the risk that a few of you will be unsubscribed unwillingly. Apologies in advance if that happens to you. I’m sorry. No, I’m really sorry!
But if it does, if come Monday you don’t receive the usual article from me, with details of the FTLO, the Italians in Spain, and so on, then what you have to do is go back to this emailed article, or Friday’s, and look for that part at the bottom again:
If you were unwillingly chucked out of the club (sorry again!), clicking on ‘Change Subscriber Options’ should show your unwillingly unsubscribed status.
There’ll be a ‘radio button’, as we call it in the trade, under the word ‘Unsubscribed’. Just click the button under the word ‘Subscribed’ and press the blue ‘Save My Subscriber Settings’ button, the oblong one, bottom right (see the picture below):
And there you go! By Wednesday, you’ll be back in the club, so to speak.
A venerdì, allora.
Don’t forget this week’s half-price eBoook of the Week, which is another really low level one, the A1/2 (elementary) Il giocoliere.
The chapters are very short, as you’ll see if you download the free sample chapter (.pdf).
Until Sunday night, Il giocoliere costs just £3.99, rather than the usual £7.99.
A student has her purse stolen on a crowded bus in Bologna. It contains little of value, except a photograph which is precious to her…
- .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
- .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
- 8 chapters to read and listen to
- Comprehension questions to check your understanding
- Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
- Suitable for students at any level
- Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)
Buy Il giocoliere , just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Catalog
The parallel text ebook version of this story, is 50% off, too!
Choose which version you prefer, but don’t buy both, as the story is the same!
The parallel text has an English translation (check out the FREE sample chapter .pdf) to see, but no exercises or audio. If you value the audio recording, the exercises and so on, don’t buy it.
The ‘easy reader’ version has only the Italian text, no translation, but it does have the glossaries, the exercises and a link to the online audio.
Buy Il giocoliere PARALLEL TEXT, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Catalog
How do I access my ebook?
When your order is ‘completed’ (immediately after payment, normally), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.
And here’s the usual Wednesday morning reminder to listen to and read Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news.
It’s free, it’s useful, and so it should be a no-brainer, as the kids say, to find ten minutes in your busy day to devote to it.
OnlineItalianClub.com | EasyItalianNews.com | EasyReaders.org (ebooks) | NativeSpeakerTeachers.com (1-1 lessons)