Three things today:
1.) What to do to avoid the ‘January Sale’
This Friday (27th December 2019) we’ll be beginning our ‘January Sale’ on online lessons, ebooks and so on. There’ll be a coupon code to use to save £££ on EVERYTHING in our online shop. Watch this space on Friday for full details…
Revenues from ebook sales pay our hosting bills, and for new materials and projects, such as EasyItalianNews.com. Besides, the club has a team of freelance Italian teachers, who need work.
Regular online students and ebook fans look forward to these seasonal offers (there’ll be another at Easter) as a chance to stock up on lesson credits and materials for less than the regular price.
But of course, there are plenty of you who AREN’T interested, club members who are only interested in the free stuff on the club website and/or my wonderful articles.
That’s absolutely fine.
For those people, then, here’s what to do if you’d prefer not to hear about the January Sale:
- stop reading emails from the club from Friday 27th December 2019 to Sunday 5th of January 2020. Just mark them as ‘read’, or something. Or delete them as they arrive. Then, on Monday 6th of January, start reading again – you’ll have missed the whole thing!
- OR, and this is much more drastic, simply ‘unsubscribe’ from receiving articles via email. There’s a link at the bottom of each and every email that is sent out. Click it and choose the ‘unsubscribe’ option, simple as that – no more emails. Maybe you’re not interested in learning Italian any longer? So unsubscribe (scroll to the bottom of the email to find the link…)
2.) The Italian school’s ‘Save 20%’ offer ENDS TODAY
Promotions, offers, sales! It does get confusing, doesn’t it?
But imagine what it’s like for me! For the last week and a half I’ve been working on the Italian School’s annual promotion, which finishes tonight. Then I get one single day off (Boxing Day to boot, which has to be the most boring day of the year) before it’s time for the Club’s January Sale, as mentioned above.
But anyway, if besides being a club member cum enthusiastic reader of these articles you are also a former or would-be Madrelingua student, I am duty-bound to remind you that the school’s promotion ends TONIGHT.
All the information you need to save 20% on an Italian course in Bologna in 2020 is here and there won’t be another, similar offer until Natale 2020.
3.) And finally… Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!
Many club members have already emailed with seasonal greetingss, which I appreciate. It’s great to hear from people learning Italian in countries around the world.
To the rest of you, ‘Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo‘ and, of course, my very best wishes for your language-learning in 2020.
The Christmas Eve bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news is here.
There won’t be one on Boxing Day, Thursday 26th Dec. I’m told.
However, Saturday 28th December will be a normal day, at least in terms of practising reading/listening to Italian for free!
What about New Year? I wanted to know.
Boh! It seems the editorial team haven’t thought that far ahead, yet.
So all may depend on how much ‘pandoro’ gets eaten in the days ahead.
(Get off to a good start with your Italian in 2020: read/listen to EasyItalianNews.com, for free!)
If you’ve got this far, it seems unlikely.
But just to be extra sure – if you don’t want to receive articles like this one, please do seek out the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the emailed article, and click it.
Follow the simple instructions and you will be bothered no more!