You know those places where you can pick your own fruit/vegetables etc. directly from the field?
They’re usually good value, as the farmer is saving the cost of havesting and transport, and doesn’t have to split the margins with a supermarket chain.
Picking your own is a fun thing to do with kids, plus a chance to get out of the city for an afternoon.
Well anyway, I had a lousy night’s sleep, thanks to our current house guest, so have limited bandwidth for work this morning.
Anything requiring mental effort, like making a decison, feels like a moutain best left unclimbed.
Someone emailed a couple of weeks ago to enquire when we were planninng to do one of those offers in which readers could choose their own ‘Half-price eBook of the Week’.
I hadn’t included one in this year’s marketing plan, so didn’t promise anything.
But bandwidth issues. And as Field Marshal (nothing to do with picking strawberries) Helmuth von Moltke apparently wrote:
“No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the main enemy forces. Only the layman believes that in the course of a campaign he sees the consistent implementation of an original thought that has been considered in advance in every detail and retained to the end.”
He could totally have been talking about the nocturnal wrangling of small mammals.
So, what the heck, it’s pick your own week!
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Why £5?
Because that’s half the cost of an ‘easy reader’ ebook, which normally sells for £9.99, though the coupon code will work on any ebook you select, not just the ‘easy readers’.
Whatever you have in your cart, the total will be £5 less. Do please check that before proceeding with your payment…
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The coupon will expire a week from now.
It’s one-use-per-person, so one £5 discount each.
Now I’m going for a walk, to clear my head.
A mercoledì.
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