First today, I have a favour to ask of anyone doing online Italian lessons, either with the club or with a competitor.
Actually, it’s Martina who’s asking the favour. I just agreed to pass it on to you.
This is what she wrote:
Mi chiamo Martina Burlando e sono una studentessa universitaria di lingue straniere. Per la tesi magistrale sto conducendo una ricerca sui benefici dell’apprendimento dell’italiano L2 online. Per questo ho creato un questionario rivolto a tutti gli studenti di italiano L2 online nel mondo e vi chiedo, gentilmente, se fosse possibile condividerlo con loro. Il questionario è anonimo, ci vogliono solo 5 minuti per compilarlo e i dati raccolti non verranno diffusi a terzi.
Which basically means that she’s doing a masters in teaching Italian online and needs people who’ve tried online lessons to fill in a very short, anonymous questionnaire.
Got a minute or two to help her out? If so, here’s the link to her Google Form.
Remember, this is for people who do online lessons with a teacher, for example via Skype or similar.
I should also stress that anything you tell Martina through the above form is between you and her, and that it’s strictly for the purposes of her degree research.
So, back to business.
Also today, I have another set of free Italian conversation lesson prompts.
This one is called Hai mai/Sei mai…? and, though I say it myself but shouldn’t, it’s really good!!
If you can’t get endless hours of conversation out of this, there’s no hope for you!
Click this link to take a look: Hai mai/Sei mai…?
Or choose from the sixteen sets of conversation prompts available free on the club website, here.
A venerdì, allora!