Buon giorno a tutti!
Do you watch those cookery programs on TV, the ones where contestants compete to win a price?
Well that’s the topic of today’s free Italian listening task.
Click here to give it a try.
(You can see the other exercises in this series on our Intermediate Italian Exercises page. Or find free materials for learning Italian at other levels here.)
That’s it for today. Buono studio!
They say doctors make the worst patients. Perhaps the same is true for teachers, as I’m a terrible student – impatient, untrusting and critical.
I make better progress, or at least am happier, taking charge of the learning process and teaching myself.
A website like OnlineItalianClub.com would have been IDEAL for me when I was first learning Italian. But that was back in the ‘nineties, so long ago, the Internet barely existed…
That said, a lot of people prefer to have a teacher to guide their learning. Students regularly say to me “You’re the teacher – you decide.”
Guess it’s a matter of personal preference, no?
So, if you’re like me, well I hope you find our club useful, and best of luck with your Italian! Keep at it, and you’ll get there in the end.
If, on the other hand, you’d rather not take charge of your own learning process, why not consider working with one of our online teachers to ensure you are able to make the maximum possible progress with your Italian?
Visit our shop to find out more about online Italian lessons.