Thought you’d like to know that Italian Workout! A2, our new pre-intermediate-level e-book / audio package is now available in the shop at the special introductory price of just €9.99 (in two weeks, the price will go up to the usual €19.99)
We’re not making a big thing of this launch because we recently launched the A1 and B1 courses, and because the B2 and C courses are on the way soon… but just in case you were itching for something to study, now you know!
Italian Workout! A2 comes in the form of a .pdf e-book with grammar explanations, vocabulary lists, 41 exercises and 9 audio tracks. You can save it to your computer or tablet, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way, or both!
For all you Italian grammar lovers, this course contains the following topics:
- Possessive adjectives
- Reflexive verbs in the “passato prossimo”
- The “imperfetto” (a nice, easy tense to learn!)
- “verbi pronominali”
- The conditional
- The “Italian Present Continuous”
- The direct and indirect imperative forms
- The future (another easy tense!)
- The “congiuntivo presente”
Interested? Download sample pages and audio from the shop (look for the link in the “Product Description” at the bottom of the page)
And hey, as with all our e-books, this product comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you don’t like it, just tell me why, and I’ll arrange to refund your payment.
Don’t forget it’s only HALF PRICE for the next 14 days… Click here to visit the shop.