As mentioned several times recently, this is the week you can book yourself an online Italian lesson, absolutely free!
The usual cost of a 30-minute one-to-one via Skype with one of our kind, professional teachers is €20 (less if you order 5 or 10 lessons at once.)
But for the next seven days, and for new students only, that’ll be just: €0!
What’s the catch?
There’s no catch.
You don’t have to buy anything, input your credit card details, or anything like that.
It’s a genuine ‘try this for free because you might like it’ offer.
Like the chunks of cured meats they give away in Italian supermarkets…
Anyway, we did a promotion like this back in November and around eighty of you gave it a try!
Some did the trial and were like “Thanks very much, but it’s not for me.”
Others became regular students, which of course is what we hope for.
So, here are the details (lazily copied and pasted from the email that worked so well back in November!)
You’ll be aware that one of the things that onlineitalianclub.com does is organise live online Italian lessons via Skype.
We have a team of teachers, who each have their regular online students.
These are people from around the world who typically take a 30-minute lesson each week, though it is completely flexible with with no obligation to stick to a regular day or time.
We’ve been doing this for a few years now and it seems to work well.
But our regular staff no longer have the capacity to take on new students.
So the moment came to recruit some new teachers, which we have now done.
My job, of course, is to find them someone to teach!
Hence this week’s FREE TRIAL LESSON offer.
A premise: this offer is for new or ‘returning’ clients only.
Apologies to our existing students but if you’re currently taking lessons with us, this offer is not for you. We hope you understand!
If you’d like to try a live, one-to-one online lesson, or if you studied with us in the past and are thinking about starting again, this is what you have to do:
- click this link to view the 1 x 30 min. Italian lesson product in our shop
- add it to your cart
- fill in your details (be especially careful with the email address, without which we can’t contact you)
- press the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button
And that’s it!
No payment details are asked for.
After pressing the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button you’ll be taken directly to the ‘Your order has been received’ page.
At this end, I’ll get an order notification email, which I will forward to Lucia, our teaching manager.
She’ll contact you (probably not immediately, but within a day or two) to ask when you’d like to do your online lesson.
She might have other questions for your, too.
For example, about your current level in Italian.
She’ll then match you up with one of our Italian teachers.
Lesson content can be whatever you want – grammar, conversation, anything.
Be sure to tell Lucia, or the teacher directly, what you’d prefer to focus on.
Or if you’re not sure, that’s fine too.
The teacher will assess your needs and decide how to proceed.
OK, that’s more or less it for today.
A summary:
- This offer is for new or ‘returning’ students only
- You get a free, 30-minute lesson via Skype with one of our new Italian teachers
- No credit card details or payment information are asked for
- Offer ends Sunday night
(You don’t have to actually DO the lesson this week, just book it!)
Book your FREE lesson | Online Italian lesson prices
Apologies to anyone who got an email about this on Friday, but those of you NOT on the easyreaders.org list won’t have heard: there are now six new Italian-English parallel text ebooks in our online shop!
Parallel text means you get the orginal Italian text plus an English translation.
That way, as well as reading and enjoying the story, you can compare the two versions line by line if you wish.
These are all around intermediate level, which means longer chapters (there are plenty of easier ones already in our online shop!)
Scroll on down for brief descriptions and links.
You oughtn’t to miss the FREE sample chapter – it’s there so you can check that the level is suitable for you.
But best of all?
All six ebooks are HALF THE USUAL PRICE this first week!
Italian/English Parallel Text: Il campo di papaveri (A2/B1)
A young artist, who can’t pay his rent, offers to paint his landlord’s flat instead. But guess who the landlord’s daughter turns out to be?
Italian/English Parallel Text: Vivaldi e la chiesa della Salute (B1)
A misty Sunday morning in Venice, 1703, and there goes Sig. Vivaldi, part-time violinist and composer, hurrying off to his day job taking mass in one of the city’s famous churches…
Italian/English Parallel Text: Colombo e il mare oceano (B1/B2)
September 1492, Atlantic Ocean: Christopher Columbus is wrestling with his fear of failure and ruin. After months at sea, there’s still no sign of land. Captains and crew are growing desperate!
Italian/English Parallel Text: Segreti e polpette (B1/B2)
Meet the Agnolottis: father, mother, son and daughter, who together run “Da Ettore”, a trattoria in a small Italian town. The restaurant has been in the family for generations, and everyone pulls together to make it a success! But when the chance comes to win an important gastronomic award, the pressure starts to mount…
Italian/English Parallel Text: Un furto ad arte (B1/B2)
Rome, mid-summer, and the temperature outside is so high that sensible people stay at home with the shutters closed and the air-conditioning at maximum. So a private detective is surprised when he receives a phone call from the son of one of the city’s great families. Will he agree to investigate the theft of a famous painting?
Italian/English Parallel Text: Un giorno con Raffaello (B1/B2)
Who hasn’t now heard of Raffaello, one of the most famous Italian painters? But he wasn’t always so well-known…
N.b. How To View Your Parallel Texts With The Chapters Side-By-Side!
Viewing the chapters of your parallel text ebook side by side (so as to compare the different languages) is not hard, but probably won’t happen automatically.
There are a few simple, free things you’ll need to do first.
The file is a .pdf so will open with whatever the default .pdf reader on your device is.
These can vary and will probably NOT show the chapters side-by-side, as intended.
For this reason, we recommend the free Adobe Reader, which is installed on many computers in any case.
If you don’t have it, download it here (though I’d suggest un-checking the ‘Optional Offers’…)
Once you have Adobe Reader installed, this is what you do:
- Download the file by right-clicking on the ‘Free Sample Chapter’ link and selecting ‘Save as’
- Don’t just click on it or it will open in a browser, which probably works differently
- Instead, view it in your device’s downloads file
- Open with Adobe Reader (right click on the file, choose ‘Open with’, select Adobe Reader)
- In Adobe Reader…
- Look in the menu (at the top) for ‘View’, then choose ‘Page display’
- Choose ‘two page view’ (for the parallel text) or ‘single page view’ for normal documents
- Use ‘View’ / ‘Read mode’ to make the text larger or smaller so that it fits your screen
- Use the ‘zoom’ and ‘page up/down’ buttons to navigate through the book