For many people, there is no better way to spend free time and money than travelling. Visiting new and amazing places, getting in touch with other cultures, languages and people, learning new things, having a great deal of fun: that’s all part of travelling.
Travelling to Italy is probably the best way to learn Italian. Leave shyness at home, try to speak with different people, don’t be afraid to make mistakes or get corrected: in one week you can learn more than in one month of individual studying. Think about it 😉
Meanwhile, here you have a list of various nouns, adjective and verbs related to the theme of travelling and describing new places. Enjoy it!
l’attrezzatura [equipment]
l’astuzia [cunning]
la baia [bay]
il bosco [wood]
il catino [basin]
il cespuglio [bush]
il cielo [sky]
l’escursione [hike]
l’estraneo [unknown person]
la fermata [stop]
il fascino [charm]
la folla [crowd]
il frutteto [orchard]
l’isola [island]
il percorso [route]
il prato [field]
la raccolta [harvesting]
la scintilla [spark]
lo scoglio [rock]
la sdraio [beach chair]
il seme [seed]
lo spuntino [snack]
lo stratagemma [stratagem]
il traghetto [ferry]
la vetta [passionate]
attorno [around]
celebre [famous]
distante [faraway]
estremo [extreme]
immerso [dipped]
meridionale [southern]
roccioso [rocky]
rigoglioso [luxuriant]
selvaggio [wild]
solitario [solitary]
stupendo [wonderful]
imbarcare [to load]
trascorrere [to spend]