Pick up any Italian newspaper, or watch the TV news, and you’ll be sure to hear about all of the terrible things going on!
This lesson covers some of the words you’ll need to make sense of the dangers, and has the emergency numbers to call if the worst happens while you’re visiting Italy!
l’emergenza [the emergency]
il pericolo [danger]
i soccorsi [rescuers/rescue team]
la polizia [police]
il carabiniere [member of the Italian military corps which also has civil police duties]
i vigili del fuoco = pompieri [firemen]
i vigili urbani [local/city police force]
la guardia forestale [forest ranger]
la guardia medica [duty doctor]
il pronto soccorso [hospital emergency department]
la guardia del corpo [bodyguard]
la guardia di finanza [the military corps which deals with customs, excise and tax crimes]
la denuncia [denunciation]
la colpevolezza [guilt]
l’innocenza [innocence]
l’ambulanza [ambulance]
denunciare [to report a crime]
accusare [to blame]
chiedere aiuto [to call for help]
Emergency numbers in Italy
112 – European emergency number
113 – Polizia di Stato
115 – Vigili del Fuoco
118 – Pronto Soccorso
Now try a listening exercise!