Want to learn some Italian vocabulary on the theme of computers?
Perhaps you work in ‘informatica’ (what Italians call ‘information technology’ or I.T.)?
Or maybe you’re living in Italy, in which case you’ll need to know these terms.
Read through the list below, then try the free exercise.
l’e-mail [e-mail]
il mittente [sender]
il destinatario [addressee]
l’oggetto [subject line]
lo schermo [screen]
la tastiera [keyboard]
il tasto [key / button]
il mouse [computer mouse]
la stampante [printer]
il lettore cd / dvd [CD/DVD player]
l’altoparlante [speaker]
le cuffie [headphones]
il processore [processor]
la scheda di memoria [memory card]
il cavo = il filo [cable]
l’allegato = il file [file]
scaricare [to download]
installare [to install]
salvare [to save]
premere [to press]
inviare = mandare [to send]
alzare il volume [to turn up the volume]
abbassare il volume [to turn down the volume]
ricaricare [to recharge]
Now try an interactive exercise: