And here are a few more words for describing people’s appearance, which somehow didn’t make it onto the other page on this topic…
il pizzetto [goatee]
le basette [sideboards]
la pelle [skin]
scura [dark]
chiara [pale]
olivastra [olive]
le guance [cheek]
le sopraciglia [eyebrows]
le ciglia [eyelashes]
OK, that was a pretty short additional list.
Clearly a lot of words are missing, right? I can think of plenty – chin, tooth/teeth, nostril, tongue, lips and so on.
Get a sheet of A4 paper and draw a picture of a face with as many details as you can think of (it doesn’t need to be a masterpiece…)
Now label it using the words you have learnt here and from the previous page. Fill in any gaps from a good online dictionary!