Below is a short list of Italian words for parts of a bicycle.
la pompa [pump]
la sella [sadle]
il parafango [mudguard]
il campanello [bell]
il manubrio [handlebars]
il freno [brake]
la ruota [wheel]
la gomma [tyre]
i pedali [pedals]
la catena [chain]
The list is far from complete, which is deliberate.
The idea is that you can add to it, with a little research on the internet!
One fun way to do this is to look for Italian websites selling bicycles, and in particular, parts and accessories for bikes.
(If you can’t find a retailer, an option which is almost as good is to search for bike rentals in any Italian city you can think of and look at the Italian version of the site…)
Once you find a suitable online shop or other bicycle-related site, clicking through the product categories is a quick and effective way to learn new words, no matter what your level.
I found, for example, ‘camera d’aria’ (air chamber) – the Italian term for the inflatable rubber tube that goes inside the tyre.
Besides ‘data-mining’ the new words, read the product descriptions.
These will help you remember the words you’re learning IN CONTEXT, and will boost your confidence with reading Italian generally.
And once you’re done learning words for parts, why not look at accessories, too?
Helmets, baskets, water bottles, I’m sure the list is endless!
Poi, when you’ve finally exhausted cycling, there are plenty of other sports you could use the same technique on…
Buono studio!