Here you have another list of verbs taken from our free Italian Courses. They are not sorted by semantic field or concept area, but you can still make good use of it.If you have troubles using these verbs, look for them on our Italian Verb Conjugator.
giudicare [to judge]
svolgere [to carry out]
svolgersi [to take place / to happen]
ingrandire [to enlarge]
rimpicciolire [to reduce]
godere [to enjoy]
divertire [to amuse / to entertain]
sfruttare [to exploit]
ammirare [to admire]
timbrare [to stamp]
intingere in [to dip in]
scadere [to expire]
rinnovare [to renew]
sciogliersi [melt down]
staccare [to tear out]
spiegare [to explain]
pentirsi [to regret]