Here you have a list of Italian verbs taken from our free online Italian Courses.If you have doubts sbout verb forms and use, you can have a look at our Italian Verb Conjugator, provided with links to our Italian Grammar section.
frullare [to blend]
prestare [to lend]
bastare [to be enough / to be sufficient]
esagerare [to exagerate]
mescolare [to mix]
piantare [to plant]
progettare [to plan]
tradurre [to translate]
essere dipendente da [to be addicted to]
mandare [to send]
ricevere [to receive]
crescere [to grow]
citare [to quote]
recitare [to act out / to play]
cedere [to give up]
partorire [to give birth]
pungere [to sting]
salvare [to save / to rescue]
mungere [to milk]
sottolineare [to underline]
pagare in contrassegno [pay on delivery]
nascondersi [hide]