For those of you who want to know more about Italian politics, here’s a page with some informations about the Italian political system and vocabulary elements about government and political activities. If you want to learn more about the Italian Republic and political history, a link to is provided in the scheme below: click on it.
Le 4 cariche piu importanti: [4 the most important offices]
Presidente della Repubblica [President of the Republic]
- Presidente del Senato [President of the Senate]
Presidente della Camera del Deputati [President of the Chamber of Deputies]
Presidente del Consiglio [President of the Board]
conservatore [conservative]
progressista [labourist]
il primo ministro [prime mister]
la burocrazia [bureaucracy]
il deputato [deputy]
il ministro [minister]
il legislatore [legislator/lawmaker]
il potere sommerso [submerged power]
nominare [to nominate] votare per/contro [to vote for/against]
sciogliere il parlamento [to dissolve parliament]