First of all, thanks to Maria from Canada and Sieglind from Australia who reported mistakes in the final exercise I linked to on Monday.
I’ve now fixed them, but I’d mention that, as I publish on this site three times a week (which is time-consuming), help of this type is invaluable.
I simply don’t have time to check each and every exercise, much as I’d like to.
So, if you find something that ‘non va’, don’t hesitate to write and point it out, in the knowledge that your input will be appreciated!
OK, ready for some more free Italian exercises?
As Monday’s were low level, today we have something more challenging.
Abbastanza more challenging, in fact.
This first one focuses on the meaning of the word ‘magari’, which more or less means ‘I wish’.
In the exercise you need to decide if it’s possible to substitute the phrase IN CAPITALS with ‘magari’.
Just choose ‘vero’ or ‘falso’ from the dropdown menu.
N.B. The word ‘magari’ is common in speech (“Is your Italian advanced?” “Magari!”).
So this is definitely worth a look.
If you just learn one thing today, learn this!
Poi I have for you a two-part series of exercises about a robbery. The grammar includes the remote past and other complexities.
To do the exercise, click on the words in each sentence IN THE CORRECT ORDER.
If you’ve chosen the right one, it will appear in the little box. If not, you’ll get an irritating warning message.
Be patient and keep clicking until you’ve reconstructed the sentence.
You’ll learn a lot, I promise (though it might take a while!)
La Rapina (1) – Word Order Exercise
La Rapina (2) – Word Order Exercise
Of course, no post from would be complete without a nudge to spend some of your ‘learn Italian’ budget on one of our ebooks (sales of which help finance this site.)
As I mentioned on Monday, this week we have a new Italian-English parallel text.
‘La montagna‘ is 25% off this first week, at just £5.99.
Get it from EasyReaders.Org, which also has 9 other Italian-English parallel texts and dozens of easy readers in the Learn Italian section.
- Free sample chapter (.pdf)
- Buy the full version of La montagna‘ for £5.99
- Browse ebooks
Oh, and if you happen to be interested in learning Spanish, French or German, do take a look at those sections too. You’ll find one free easy reader download for each of those languages.
Next week we are publishing a NEW story in Italian. It’s about some people who get stuck in a lift…
And there’ll be other easy readers and parallel texts in French, Spanish and German coming out at the end of the month.
A venerdì!