Just a quick post to announce the publication of Week 4 of our C1 (Advanced) level free Italian course.
There’s grammar and new vocabulary enough even for the keenest student of Italian, plus exercises and solutions to help you consolidate what you study. And all completely free.
Topics include:
- Locuzioni avverbiali
- Pronomi indefiniti e aggettivi indefiniti
- Uso e omissione degli articoli
- Modi di dire
- Le fobie
- La politica
Download your copy right here, without registering or logging in.
Feel free to forward this e-mail on to your Italian teacher, fellow students, or anyone else you think might be interested!
P.S. “A proposito” learning Italian, don’t forget that if you need some help or simply some conversation practice, thanks to the magic of the Internet, our OnlineItalianClub.com Italian teacher can now be with you in your very own home, at a day/time of your choosing. Find out more about Skype Italian lessons.