G’day Australia, here’s wishing you a fantastic Tuesday!
Normally I write articles like this one while drinking my breakfast coffee, before starting on whatever less-appealing tasks the day might hold.
This is because OnlineItalianClub.com members span the world’s time zones.
From Australasia, where people will already be a good way through their days when it’s breakfast time here in Bologna, to the westernmost states of the USA, where people may have just gone to bed (yesterday.)
So while we’re so spread out geographically, by publishing first thing in the morning in Italy I hope at least to catch you all on the same day.
Monday is Monday everywhere, and that’s a system that’s always worked fine for me…
Until today, when I FORGOT!
I promise to post new materials for learning Italian each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 52 weeks of the year, no matter what.
So I couldn’t believe it when, while preparing lunch, it dawned on me that today was Monday.
I almost dropped my carbonara!
Blame the loss of several nights’ sleep because of a painful throat infection. We even cut short our weekend on the Adriatic coast so I could go see the doctor and get some antibiotics.
Pills swallowed, here I am finally, nearly ten hours late, but with the latest in our series of Italian grammar exercises.
Today’s new exercise is on the congiuntivo imperfetto, which follows previous exercises on congiuntivo presente and congiuntivo passato (watch this spot on Wenesday for the congiuntivo trapassato).
Click here to give today’s exercise a go (it’s easier than it looks – just look out for the ‘s’s…)
Thanks to Janet, who wrote reporting an error in one of the grammar lessons she’d found through our new combined Italian grammar exercises + grammar lessons index page.
I’ll get right on to fixing that page, Janet!
So, now we’ve done the bulk of our reorganization, the next priority is to fix the mistakes and quality issues, of which there are many.
And to eliminate anything which is simply not very good.
Your input in this process would be much appreciated!
No need to be delicate: if you spot something that’s wrong, missing, badly-formatted, confusing, a duplication, or just weak, drop me an email (address at the bottom of every page) and I will use your feedback to improve the site for everyone.
One thing, though. When you write reporting an error, it’s not always obvious to me WHICH page it is that I have to fix!
So, it would be a big help if you copied & pasted the URL of the page with the problem.
(URL= page address, which you should see in the address bar at the top of your Internet browser. Starts with http://… )
Thanks in advance, both for looking out for issues, and for reporting them to me in a way that makes them quick and easy to fix!
Did you know that we reinvest the modest proceeds from online Italian lessons, easy Italian readers and so on in new free materials that anyone can use?
That way, there’s always something new for you to read, listen to or study, and our online teachers and materials-writers get regular, paid work.
Win-win. Virtuous circle.
Therefore, many, many thanks to everyone who bought our latest easy Italian reader, L’amore ai tempi del supermercato.
(If you’d like to know more about OnlineItalianClub.com, take a look at our FAQ, or just drop me an email with your question…)