We do like to keep you at it, here at OnlineItalianClub.com.
‘Busy students are happy students’ is what I always say.
So here’s the fifth in our series of advanced Italian listening comprehension exercises.
It’s about the earthquake in L’Aquila a few years ago.
Interesting stuff, so do take a look, even if your level isn’t advanced – there’s a transcript, remember.
Study hard.
Thanks SO MUCH to everyone who bought our new Italian easy reader ‘Ladri di biciclette‘ last week.
Don’t forget, when you’re done reading, listening, studying the glossaries and doing the exercises, that it would be really helpful if you could leave a review.
Leaving a review should take you just a few seconds – click on the book cover image in our shop, then scroll down the page to where it says ‘Product Description’.
Next to that, there’s a tab called ‘Reviews’. Click it.
First you’ll see one of those horrible ‘captcha’ things – a combination of letters and numbers designed to prevent automated comment spam.
Type the numbers/letters you see in the box below the image.
Then you need to click on the star rating that matches your opinion, from one star to five.
Below that there’s a box to write your comments. When you’re done, press the ‘Submit’ button.
At that point you can start feeling virtuous because of your positive contribution to:
a.) helping us get better at producing easy Italian readers, and
b.) guiding other OnlineItalianClub.com members towards what’s good (or away from what’s not!)
Well done you!