For those of you who enjoy advanced Italian grammar, Week 2 / Level C2 of our free online Italian course is now available.
Pages and pages of prepositions! And exercises! An orgy of prepositions to print and take to the beach with you this summer!
If you’re a member of, you can find all our advanced Italian material on the C1/C2 Free Italian Courses page .
Not a member? What the hell, it’s July and it’s hot. Just click here to get your fix of advanced grammar: C2 / Week 2 – An Orgy of Prepositions! And if you want more of the same, membership is free.
P.S. Several people have written to me recently saying “Please, please, I don’t speak English. Write to me in Italian.”
Sorry, I’d like to help but it seems that the majority of members speak English better than they speak Italian (which explains why they read this site, I suppose).
Hence, posting in Italian would irritate a lot more people. Plus, I’d have to get my (Italian) wife to check everything I write, and that would drive me crazy!
So, if it bothers you getting messages in English (or you’d just prefer not to get e-mails from me), hit the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any e-mails you receive.