Ever had one of those days? So far it’s been a litany of things going wrong.
My wife has been muttering in Italian about a series of plagues and all we need now being the crickets (I think she meant locusts) and we’ll have had them all.
But ‘coraggio’ I told myself, tackle the problems one at a time, keep plugging away, you’ll get there in the end!
And so I almost did, until, just as I thought I had everything ready – to publish the first in our series of ‘Literature’ easy readers – I noticed a major error in the cover art.
The image for the ebook cover displayed the wrong level. But it wasn’t just a little wrong, it was totally at the other end of the scale! B2/C1 (upper intermediate/advanced) rather than the correct A1/A2 (elementary).
Infuriatingly I had already finished formatting the ebook, I’d created the .pdf and the sample chapter .pdf, I’d even formatted an image for our online shop, all without noticing the error.
Much of my morning’s work has now been deleted, leaving me twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the graphic designer to wake up and read her emails, which she shows no sign of doing.
No new ebook today then. Sorry!
My fault, of course, for leaving everything until the last minute, which really isn’t me. I’ll blame the lockdown.
Anyway, for literature fans (and students of Italian) what we have planned by way of new materials between now and the end of June is up on the Catalog page of our online shop:
Italian Easy Readers – ‘Literature’ Series
Le avventure di Pinocchio
I promessi sposi
La coscienza di Zeno
I Malavoglia
Uno, nessuno e centomila
Talking of crickets/locusts, hopefully ‘Pinocchio’, which Disney fans will recall features a talking insect, will be ready for you on Wednesday.
I picked that one to publish first because it’s the lowest level and, after our recent ‘Il nome della rosa‘ series of riassunti, it seemed only fair to offer something aimed at beginner/elementary students.
In the meantime, you’ll find masses to do on the club website.
And of course, there’s EasyItalianNews.com to read/listen to.
Both resources are free and open to everyone to use. The ebooks are mostly not free, which is how we pay our bills.
A mercoledì, allora.