Linda’s very excited as she’s found a new job (A job! In Italy!) and has to move to Torino in a hurry.
But you’ll want to catch up on her news for yourself.
Click here for today’s listening practice (level B1).
Here to view all of the listenings in the current series.
Or here to access free Italian exercises at other levels.
Buono studio!
Thanks to Joni, a new member of our club, who wrote to me overnight to let me know that the level test is broken.
I won’t link to it here. She’s right. It’s not working.
The reason is because yesterday we changed the code on our Italian exercises pages so that they are ‘mobile friendly’, meaning that they will be easy to use on a smartphone or tablet, as well as on a proper computer.
But given that there are over 300 exercises, of different types, with varying code and associated files, some glitches are to be expected.
This is where you can help.
When you find something that doesn’t work, or contains an error, or just looks ugly, shoot me an email (the address is at the bottom of each page on our site.)
When doing so, please copy and paste the URL (the webpage address – you can see it in the little window at the top of your web browser).
That way I’ll know right where to look to identify and fix the problem.
Like this:
Ciao Daniel,
Just thought you’d like to know that the ‘Piace o piacciono?’ exercise doesn’t work… This is the URL:
Gee thanks, Marco. That’s a big help. You have a good day too!
(Actually, that one DOES work, so do take a look so you can see what the new, mobile-friendly pages are supposed to look like…)