Let it be known that next week, so from July 3rd to 9th, our two online shops, EasyReaders.org (for ebooks) and NativeSpeakerTeachers.com (for one-to-one lessons), will be having their 2023 Summer Sale.
Which means that I’ll be publicising a coupon code which, if you apply it in your shopping cart in either/both online shops, will save you 20% on your cart total.
So you could, for instance, buy five ebooks but pay for just four of them (assuming they were the same price), or save a fifth on the price of one-to-one Italian lessons with a native speaker teacher.
We do promotions like this four times a year, in the spring, the first week of July, at the end of September, and at New Year. The discount is always 20%, which means anyone who plans when to buy materials for learning Italian, or the lesson credits they need to continue taking regular online lessons throughout the year, need never pay the full price!
Pretty good, huh?
Also, regular online students get sent the coupon code a few days BEFORE the promotion begins, usually on the Thursday before.
The reason for this is that we’ll know which teachers have capacity to take on new students, plus it helps ease the workload for the teaching management team during sale week.
If you’re a regular student then, watch out for an email from the teaching management team tomorrow.
What about those of you who are only here for the free stuff (which is fine), or who are no longer interested?
Two options:
1.) Any ‘bulk’ email, so like this one, will have an ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom. Clicking it will permanently remove your email address from the mailing list. No longer interested? Prefer not to hear about next week’s promotion? Go ahead and use the ‘unsubscribe’ link (scroll right down to the end of this to find it.) Really! You’ll be doing us a favour, as well as reducing the number of unwanted emails, for having a large list costs us a monthly fee, money that’s wasted if we’re not a good match!
2.) Less drastically, stop reading emails from the club until the sale ends, after which things will go back to normal!
A venerdì.
Have you listened to Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news, yet?
It’s free, as is subscribing to receive each of the three weekly bulletins, directly to your email inbox, immediately they are published on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
OnlineItalianClub.com | EasyItalianNews.com | EasyReaders.org (ebooks) | NativeSpeakerTeachers.com (1-1 lessons)