There are just a few hours left of the 2022 Summer Sale.
Today is the final day, so the last chance to save 20% on everything at our (now two!) online stores, (for ebooks) and (for one-to-one lessons).
The coupon code you need to save 20% on the online lessons and/or ebooks is:
And here are the store links those store links again: one-to-one lessons | ebooks
The next similar promotion won’t be until the end of September, though we will have some new ebooks to look forward to, which will be discounted at 25%, and the regular half-price ‘Book of the Week’ offers.
For nearly three months, a £20 online lesson will cost just that. Unless you purchase ten at a time, in which case you’ll save a bunch of £££ but still pay £18 per thirty-minute lesson.
But act today, before the promotion ends at midnight, and ten 30-minute lessons with a club teacher via Skype or Zoom will cost you just £144!
N.b. to get the discount, remember to enter coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off on the cart page.
£14.40 for a thirty-minute one-to-one with a native-speaker Italian teacher?
Read genuine, unedited student reviews here.
Why are they mostly five-star?
Good question! Here are three possibilities:
a.) Students who weren’t happy couldn’t be bothered to leave reviews
b.) We refuse to publish the weaker ones
c.) Because we try to select teachers who know what they’re doing, and work to resolve any issues that might arise
Take your pick, or better still, decide for yourself!
Do a few lessons to see if your confidence and ability to speak and understand Italian improves.
It works for me, anyway – I do online lessons each week in the languages I’m learning, and wouldn’t miss them!
Chatting with a native speaker is certainly more fun than studying!
Shop now, before the offer ends: (ebooks) | (lessons)
- Use coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off to save 20% on EVERYTHING!
- Offer ends at midnight TONIGHT!