Buondì. It’s the last day of our UK holiday today and, of course, it’s going to rain. Tomorrow we’ll be piling into our rental car and heading for the airport. Tuesday evening we’ll be back in Italy, where the newspapers promise us sweltering heat and delays at passport control. Oh well, at least the cat […]
Archives for August 2017
New Free Italian Listening & Why You Should Leave Reviews
Buondì. I hear it’s very, very hot in Italy at the moment. Fortunately, I’m temporarily in cloudy Cornwall, in South West England. Where we’re not exactly having a heat wave. The kids don their wet suits to go surfing in the chilly Atlantic waters. And us wiser heads take sweaters and rain coats when we amble […]
Mica una vita eco-sostenibile
Sorry I’m later today. I’ve just got off a plane from Edinburgh (nice and sunny) to Cornwall (low cloud and drizzle.) What a lovely city Edinburgh is! ‘Mille grazie’ to the club members who wrote with suggestions regarding what I should see and eat. It was appreciated. My (Italian) wife liked the place so much […]