There’s never enough time to do everything is there? If only I had a week or two or holiday, I could really get this website sorted out. Think of all the great articles I could write if I didn’t have so much other stuff to do!
I expect you feel the same way about learning Italian.
The Eighth Secret of Learning Italian
Secret no. 8 is MULTI-TASKING. Women are supposed to be excellent at it!
To harness multi-taking to help you learn Italian, just organise yourself to use the time when you’re busy doing other things to also expose your brain to Italian in context, which will help it to make the connections and “grow” it’s understanding of the language you are learning.
How? Got a computer or smartphone with an Internet connection? Got an mp3 player? Then you can listen to audio books, music, the radio, a TV programme, or just some listening tracks from this courses available for sale in our shop.
Multi-task while doing the ironing or cooking, or on the commute to work or home again.
Many people are resistant to the idea of actually USING the language. They try once or twice but “don’t understand anything”. Be prepared for this. It’s VERY likely, you won’t understand, but hey, what have you lost? It was just dead time on the commute, anyway.
Slowly, slowly, you’ll begin to notice a difference. You’ll start to pick out individual words and phrases, you’ll get used to the sounds and accents.
By multi-tasking with real listening material, you’ll be simulating actually being in the country. And you know that being there helps. Sure, it takes a long time learn to understand a foreign language, but if you really put in that time, you will get there in the end.
Multi-tasking is the way to help that happen.
Read more: Secret no. 9