Our latest Italian Conversation, number 37 of 60, is set in a tattoo parlor. Well… I suppose that COULD come in handy if you visit Italy. After all, tatto parlors seem to be one sector of the local economy which has done well during the ‘crisi’. Listen to today’s conversation View all the conversations in […]
‘Fare shopping’ – another borrowed word!
Today’s Italian Conversation is the first on a new theme: fare shopping! ‘Fare shopping’, of course, is a phrase which contains another borrowed word, and one which is in common use in Italian. Careful though, as ‘fare shopping’ is not used to mean ‘do the shopping’ (groceries), for which there’s another term ‘fare la spesa’. Rather ‘fare […]
New Dialogue: Asking For A Refund (+ Book Of The Week!)
Announcing another ‘Book of the Week’ offer… Back in May I published ‘Cielo libero‘, an e-book Italian easy reader (with audio). Sadly, it didn’t make much of an impact at the time, which was a shame because I think it’s a lovely little story and one that would be great for anyone learning Italian. For which […]
Having a nervous breakdown?
Actually, that should be ‘Having A Nervous Breakdown’, without the question mark. But I figured that, after the stresses of November, it might resonate more if I personalized it… Anyway, the question / sentence is a rough translation of the title of today’s Italian Conversation: Problemi, Avere un crollo. To listen to a young architect having […]
The one time you needn’t worry about your spoken Italian
Thanks to everyone who bought our latest easy Italian reader, ‘Aria di festa‘ during the promotion last week. Your support is much appreciated, but more importantly enables us to continue making OnlineItalianClub.com an excellent resource for students of Italian around the world! If all goes well, we’re hoping to publish another easy reader next week, […]
Free Listening Exercises Available for You!
Understanding spoken Italian gets easier if you practise your listening at every opportunity. These Free Italian Listening Exercises have been especially written to help you improve your listening comprehension skills.