The .pdf for Week 2 of our free C1 (advanced) level Italian course is now ready for you to download and study. The contents of this week’s course are: il discorso indiretto “piuttosto che”, “non” and “mica” vocabulary for cooking 5 exercises, with solutions Plus a rather curious section entitled “Le 10 espressioni più odiate […]
Archives for July 2012
Best Online English-Italian Dictionary?
Sometimes, whatever they tell you about guessing the meaning of words you don’t know from context, you just really, really need a good “bi-lingual” dictionary. Years ago, when my wife and I regularly did translation work, we invested a big chunk of our meagre earnings in what was surely the most comprehensive English/Italian Italian/English […]
How To Learn Italian Without Studying
Studying a language can be rewarding and fun, but more often it’s hard-work, expensive, time-consuming, frustrating, de-motivating, and lots of other heavy things. But what if you knew a way to improve your Italian WITHOUT studying? Without spending money on materials or courses? Without sitting through boring lessons? Without doing any homework? And, at […]
An Orgy Of Prepositions
For those of you who enjoy advanced Italian grammar, Week 2 / Level C2 of our free online Italian course is now available. Pages and pages of prepositions! And exercises! An orgy of prepositions to print and take to the beach with you this summer! If you’re a member of, you can find […]
How To Get A “Borsa di studio” (Free Course!)
Here’s valuable, inside information on how the “borsa di studio” (study grant) system works at Italian language schools, and what you have to do to get yourself a free Italian Course in Italy! 1. Most Italian schools in Italy offer a certain number of 100% and or 50% grants each year. What do they get in […]
Paid your IMU yet?
Not a medical school in Malaysia, a Hawaiian underground oven, or even the largest native bird in Australia, IMU (pronounced “emu”, like the bird) is one of Italy’s newest taxes: Imposta Municipale Unica, which means “Sole Municipal Tax”. I expect you didn’t know that, did you? Which brings us to the point of today’s post: […]