Here’s the third of our new A1 (elementary) level Italian listening tracks. There are five more ‘easy’ ones to come, then A2, B1 and so on!
If you’re reading this in an e-mail, click here to visit the site and do the listening practice.
Listening Tips
Obviously, don’t immediately head for the transcript (it’s at the bottom of this article).
The point about improving your listening in Italian is to get better at extracting meaning from a flow of sounds which might, at first, seem incomprehensible.
So, the more time you spend working on it, the more you’ll likely get out of it.
Someone wrote a comment a few days ago about how she had listened again and again, writing notes about what she heard, until she gradually build up the text.
That’s an excellent technique, and well worth trying.
But always, always start by listening all the way through, to try and get the general idea. Don’t try to understand everything the first time (you won’t). Go for the gist. Then on subsequent attempts you can work on the details.
So, ready to listen?
And here, as promised, is the transcript!
Da dove vieni?
Mi chiamo Michelle e ho 23 anni e sono africana del Mali. Il mio nome è francese perché sono stata adottata da piccola. Mia madre si chiama Claire ed è francese, mio padre invece si chiama George ed è inglese.
Vivo a Parigi, ma al momento frequento una scuola di italiano per stranieri a Siena.
La mia migliore amica si chiama Ana ed è portoghese. Vive a Lisbona con la sua famiglia, ma adesso è in Italia anche lei per studiare l’italiano.
Il fidanzato di Ana si chiama Raji ed è indiano. Raji lavora a Siena per una fabbrica coreana di telefoni cellulari.
Raji e Ana sono fidanzati da tre anni e vivono insieme in un appartamento vicino la stazione centrale.
Ho anche un amico di nome Ivan. Lui è russo e viene da Mosca. Ivan parla molto bene la lingua italiana e la lingua greca, perché suo padre viene dalla Grecia.
Nel nostro tempo libero ci piace andare tutti insieme al ristorante cinese o a quello giapponese. Ci piace anche mangiare il kebab, che è un piatto turco molto piccante.
A me piace anche ballare: mi piace soprattutto ballare il tango, che è un tipico ballo argentino.
E’ bello incontrare persone di tutto il mondo e conoscere le culture di paesi lontani!
As always, your comments/suggestions/feedback are welcome. Click here to visit the site and leave a comment.
P.S. We’re planning to launch another online conversation group, suitable for Australians and anyone who likes to get up early.
The time we have in mind is 08.00 Italian time, on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday – we haven’t decided yet.
The cost, as with the existing groups which we’re already running, will be €49.99 for 5 hours of conversation (once a week for five weeks). There will be just 5 places available at first.
If you’re interested, please leave a comment specifiying which day (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) would work best for you. Thanks!
Katy Wheeler says
Hi Daniel
I’m really enjoying these listening and transcript exercises, so thank you for arranging them! So far, I understand the general context and most of the words through listening and only have to check the transcript for one or two words afterwards. Of course, I’m yet to try the new A2 level ones that are to come, but I’m wondering what level I should label myself at, given I find these transcripts fairly easy. Does this mean I am A1 level (ie that I have “achieved” A1 level and now working at A2 level) or that I am A2 level because I have “passed” A1 level … ?
Daniel says
Hi Katy,
If you are finding these easy, it’s highly likely that a ‘higher’ level descriptor would describe your abilities better. See this article for more info…
Alan says
Daniel, I feel that my listening abilities have been enhanced by these three listening exercises. The speed of the speakers’ voices is just right, neither too fast or too slow. Also, the tone of the voices are very clear which helps so much. Also, it is a high quality learning experience because the transcripts are in Italian so the activity provides us with both listening and reading skills. If the transcripts were in English, we would not have such a quality learning experience. I am looking forward to future listening activities.
Daniel says
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave feedback, Alan!
I’m happy you find the material useful. There’ll be another one published later today.
Charmaine Hart says
Ciao Daniel
Grazie mille per gli esercizi di ascoltare, mi piace molto e ho imparato almeno due o tre parole nuove!! Sono interessata nella conversazione per i nostri australiani e tutti i giorni che hai detto va bene per me. Aspetto la tua email di confermazione.
Daniel says
Ciao Charmaine!
Grazie per il feedback.
E anche per la segnalazione del giorno per il gruppo di conversazione… Nei prossimi giorni, proverò ad organizzare tutto!
Edwin Halford says
I am enjoying listening to the A1 exercises but unlike Katy Wheeler I dont find them too easy!,so please lets have some more A1 before you move to a higher level!
Daniel says
Hi Edwin,
Thanks for taking the time to write a comment. There will be 8 A1 exercises, then the same number at the next level up. Good luck!!